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Friday, June 10, 2011

Unborn in the USA - Movie

This is my safe place so I can post about this subject matter here without feeling like people are going to tear me a brand new a**hole. Unlike Facebook which I feel is a very public place. Comments welcome (of course!). I do reserve the right to delete them though. :)

I enjoy watching documentaries. Educational and controversial subject matter in documentaries is enjoyable for me. When choosing this movie (Unborn in the USA), I really didn't know what I was getting myself into. I made it through the entire hour and 44 minutes without turning it off (which is more than I can say about watching The Hangover). Granted, there were a few moments where I literally felt sick to my stomach due to the subject matter and the passion that resides within the abortion debate. But I stuck it out until the very end and I'm glad that I did.

Jack Mathews writes, "Here's a movie everyone can hate. It's an inside look at the extremists in the 'right-to-life' movement..."
Mathews is right. This documentary has an observational objective approach toward the "right" side of the debate. As a pro-choice individual, this movie has given me more details about the opposing side's arguments. Unfortunately for them, it has reinforced my perspective on how unreasonable these people are at times. Don't get me wrong. Pro-choice people can get foolish at times too; especially when these two groups come face to face. 

A couple of points:

1. What are "pro-lifers" planning on doing with these children once they “save” their lives? Are they planning on fostering a truck load of children? This includes children who are terminally ill or who were born addicted to meth etc. That’s a lot to take on. To the best of my knowledge these are the same people who are voting against public programs. The same public programs that help children and families in need. What’s the fuckin’ plan stan?!

2. So much passion and energy goes into the abortion debate. Redirecting that energy could actually make a difference in the world. Holding graphic signs outside of clinics and being belligerent in general is hardly doing anything for the children of the world. Meanwhile (I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again), there are CHILDREN WHO GO HUNGRY every single day in THIS country. If you give a shit, then show it.

3. I really believe that the abortion debate is not about life or death, it's about control. It’s never okay to tell people how to live their lives. Period. You wouldn’t want it done to you - so why do it? The only reason I can think of is to “keep women in their place” - as baby makers. That is all they are good for after all. It’s okay, just let some dudes (whom you’ve never met) tell you what to do with your body and entire life (in the name of Christianity no less). C’mon!

Please know that people who have abortions are not excited about it. There is plenty of grief involved without someone else poking their nose into the decision making process. Nobody is handing out buy 1 get 1 free coupons for abortions. You’re just a plain ‘ol idiot if you think that this is some mindless thing that people do for fun or to spite you.

P.S. I recommend this film if you wish to be informed on this perspective.