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Friday, May 20, 2011

Judgement Day 2011 campaign

I am an advocate for freedom of speech. These are rights that need to be protected unconditionally. It's one of the greatest things about being an American. It's good to know that with enough money you can spread a fearful message to the masses. Judgement Day 2011 (May 21) has received a great amount of publicity. With millions of dollars invested into spreading the message, I would say it it has proven to be a "success" for Family Radio Christians. I think that other groups should start doing the same thing; so that ultimately all American advertising is a threatening message. However, no one is asking me my opinion, so here I am. I do wonder what kind of protest would occur if the Church of Satan (for example) decided to "invest" its money into this kind of campaign. My guess is that the Christian church would ultimately shut it down because money equals power in our society. It's too bad that I don't personally have enough money to test this theory.

What about non-Christian parents who have had to explain the rapture advertising to their children? I guess that's their problem for not being a Family Radio Christian. And aren't other groups of Christians pissed off? Pissed off that this group is stealing the judgement date, etc.

The upside is that the money being spent here isn't going directly toward a bigoted agenda (though I'm sure they have "rainy day" cash set aside for that too). All in all, I think that the goal for the Judgement Day 2011 campaign is to see how many people can be controlled. Controlled by advertising, controlled by the Family Radio Christian church. Instilling fear makes people a lot easier to control.

Probably my biggest problem with this whole shenanigan is that there are children that go hungry in America everyday; yet millions of dollars have been spent on this ridiculous campaign. It's okay to put hungry children on the back burner if you believe that the world will end tomorrow. In the end, (pun intended) it's their money and they can do whatever they want with it, as that is the American way.

The good news is that debt collectors will quit calling if it really is the "beginning of the end." So, cheers to everyone who will be left behind with me. That is very American.

1 comment:

  1. I can't imagine a cooler group of people to be left behind with =D See you at the post-Rapture after party?
